Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mime: A True Story

P.S. Just put up a new post at the Film's Blog

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Breaking Lakes! Matthew's Gots a New Band!

In this Photo: Jeff (producer/engineer), Mike (Bass), Dave (Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar), Jay (Keys/Lead Guitar/Backing Vocals)
Mike tuning up his bass. Getting ready for a marathon bass session.
A photo from behind the glass in the Blue Box Studios
Dave, Tamara (Mike's wife), Lilly (Mike and Tamara's youngest), and Mike rehearsing a new Breaking Lakes' song.

My brother and I and our good friend Jason, have got a new band going called "the Breaking Lakes". Here are some new pictures of Dave, Jay, Mike (our bass-in-the-face man), and Jeff (producer/engineer) in the Blue Box Studios. We're working on a new studio album. We're all pretty psyched... I'm behind the camera.