Thursday, November 15, 2007

Here's another mythical creature... I think. Is the tooth fairy mythical? I'm actually trying to write a research paper right now... I'm avoiding it, can you tell? Well I hope you like this too!


Randeep Katari said...

you rock matthew.

You rock.

Tapan Gandhi said...


i haven't been here in a while but DAMN, boy! show 'em how its done

i love that minotaur at the bottom

still gotta see ur leica!

Yuriy Sivers said...

hahaha! Omg this is so funny!

alexandre said...

what what what what!!!...

new blog woot

vlad said...

Whats a hat?

Mel Maduro said...

WHOO! Awesome stuff Matty!
(psst, thanks for posting on my blog :D)

kimbot said...

haha i love his outfit and expression!