Monday, September 30, 2013
Friday, August 23, 2013
Bird Watcher
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Animal Sketches
These are a collection of some animal sketches I did last week. We got some mandrill monkeys, a chimpanzee, a golden handed tamarin, a spotted hyena, a north american cougar, a grizzly bear, a cheetah, a couple of black bears, two sketches of a horse, a house cat, and a white rhinoceros.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
So Long Seattle
I had the opportunity to do some album art last week for a friend of mine who lives down in Nashville, Julia Appleton. It is for her latest single "So Long Seattle". I always enjoy working on album art and this project was no exception.
She will be marrying a long-time friend of mine this coming fall! Everything is grand!
Check Julia's new single out here. You won't be disappointed.
She will be marrying a long-time friend of mine this coming fall! Everything is grand!
Check Julia's new single out here. You won't be disappointed.
Monday, December 17, 2012
A Christmas Jingle
Here is the Christmas card I did for my new animated little company Kalina Pictures and Airfoil Media. Have a very merry Christmas, happy New Year, and an all-round amazing holiday season!
character designs,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Yeti Walk
Yeti in the snow.
He looks cold and somewhat bored.
Would you be his friend?
That's right, I made a haiku.
character designs,
Friday, September 21, 2012
Louis the Fish
Louis the Fish from Matthew Kalinauskas on Vimeo.
I was on my honeymoon and I drew a fish with a big mouth on the shower door. I thought is would be fun to see this fish sing the last bit of "What a Wonderful World". The song itself was first recorded by Louis Armstrong in 1968 and it was written by Bob Thiele (who, at the time, went by George Douglas) and George Weiss.
This Project was just ment to used as an animation exercise. I wanted to figure out some technics to help me with a 4 minute animated short that I am working on.
Two by Two... again
Yes yes, I understand that I have indeed posed my Student film, "Two by Two", on my blog before... however I have been reviewing my online uploads and it occurred to me that I don't really use my hotmail account anymore. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just, I now use Gmail. The ONLY problem that I face now is what do I do with my old YouTube account [the one that I set up when my email address read something like (but not literally)]
This all had come to the surface this week and here's why: I was just going to upload a new 30 second animation exercise I recently completed (still to come). I went on my old YouTube account and found that I had messages waiting for me from TWO YEARS AGO! Like, personal ones, from creative developers and stuff! LAME... SAUCE! I felt like an idiot. So now I need to streamline this online stuff.
Some people may say, "Dude, just get a Vimeo accunt, they rock." And to those people I would say, "Thanks I have one of those but I am only able to upload, like 500 MG a week or something... and I don't want to pay $10 a month... not yet anyway. I'm still kinda on a spending freeze."
Other might say, "Hey bra, just make a new YouTube account through Gmail." And to THOSE people I would say, "Thanks, but what about my first account? It has almost 4,000 views and I am vain."
I deliberated long and hard and have come up with a solution.
I am going to upload to Vimeo AND YouTube! Streamline!
I'll keep the original posting of Two by Two up there because, you know, gotta reach 4,000, but for all my new stuff I'll have it up on my new YouTube and Vimeo.
This was a long and somewhat unnecessary post just to say, I am reposting Two by Two AND it has been slightly improved for your viewing pleasure.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Facebook Banner
Wellp, I guess Facebook wins again (they always win dang it). In the wake of the official launch of the new Facebook page format that all of us Facebook users have been forced into using I have made this image as a "banner pic" for my Facebook profile.
Yes, to all of you who are better than the rest of us and don't have a Facebook account, I care about that stuff...
... I feel icky.
Yes, to all of you who are better than the rest of us and don't have a Facebook account, I care about that stuff...
... I feel icky.
character designs,
graphic art
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Celebrating our Kardashian
Dear Blog,
Yes, it is true, I am married. Recently in fact. On April 21, 2012 to be precise. And it was awesome.
The funny thing about marriage is that they it is usually preceded by a wedding. And the funny thing about weddings is that most wedding ceremonies have vows exchanged by the couple. These vows used to be very serious and important, maybe even more serious and important than the legal documents one signs shortly there after. In most cases these vows say something to the person you are about to marry, and to the people in attendance, that you will stay with, and love the person standing across from you "for as long as you both shall live".
Apparently talk is super cheap these days. Either that or people feel like marriage is the new "dating" and dating is just... boy/girl playtime? I suppose kind of like how a Graduate Degree is the new Undergraduate Degree, or how 30 is the new 20, or how hipsters are just the new emo-kids (oh come on people, you know it to be true, but that's a different post).
This all brings me to Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. They got divorced after on their 72nd day of marriage... *blink *blink ... SEVENTY TWO DAYS! Come on people! I think U.S. Navy Seals go without sleep for longer than that! You know when they say, "don't hold your breath for that"? I could have held my breath for that! I think around seventy two days Nadine (my lovely wife) and I were still cleaning up the shattered glass and broken chairs from our last fight (a).
My point is that though it can be hard living with someone, especially if you're both stubborn, frist child, loud-mouths (in Nadine's and my case), and that it takes more than seventy two days to be able to sort that stuff out. Ask ANY married person, I'll bet you a gazillion bucks that they'll agree with me.
Now as for Kim and Kris, there have been worse marriages in history, shorter marriages, more obvious to fail marriages... but the thing is, none of them made a TV show about it. And because of that, the Kardashian was born!
A married couple's Kardshian is a very special day. It can only happen once in a life time (ideally), and is simply a day to celebrate not getting divorced by your seventy second day into marriage. You can do whatever you want on that day, except get a divorce. You can go to the movies, eat ice cream, check out the museum, it's all good! Just celebrate the fact that you're better at marriage than Kim and Kris... which I guess can be encouraging. I figure, all couples fight, and many couples after a big fight can feel like "man, we're the worst couple EVER!" Well, don't get down on your selves kids, you're still not as bad as the infamous TV couple that spawned this glorious day! You are still not the worst! YAY!
Nadine and I went to High Park for brunch, ate outside, got some ice cream, and watched War of the Worlds, and then we didn't get divorced.
"YAY! We're not the worst! We're not the worst!"
We still argue from time to time. Sometimes voices get louder and tears may appear, but these incidents are becoming less and less frequent as we get more and more in tune with how we both operate. All of that Dr. Pill crap is right, marriage takes work and marriage takes time.
So newly married people, I invite and encourage you, on your seventy second day after saying "I do", celebrate the fact that you're working on it! It keeps getting better if you want it to keep getting better.
(a) - This post may include some dramatization/exaggeration (there was no literal broken glass or chairs mostly just broken feelings)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
it's a bird
Friday, October 7, 2011
Toronto for iPads
Monday, June 6, 2011
Better Now Together

My friend, Francois' band, Hello Kelly, will be be releasing their new album soon. It's called "Easy For You to Say" and it's a good one. On that album is a track I absolutely LOVE called "Better Now Together". The other day Francois emailed me and a bunch of his "artsy" pals to see if any of us could do an illustration or take a photo or whatever for the new the album. The idea was to have one new piece for each track on the album. I, due to my smarts and cunning, emailed Francois back promptly to claim my stake on the track "Better Now Together". As I have already explained that that was my favorite song on the album, I'd asume my selection was a no brainer.
I whipped this up one day, kind of as a joke. I told him I'd do another one that was less goofy, but Francois seemed to like it. I may do a less cartoony one anyway. Maybe.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Get Projected not Rejected

In the end they KILLED the presentation. Apparently Jay was cracking all kinds of jokes and stuff like a real wise-guy! Girls were swooning over him and guys were copying his hair style.
I just drew the pictures and came up with the slogan. Slogans are fun.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Vegetarianism vs. Lent

So, the season of Lent is upon us... actually it's been upon us for a little while now, and being the guilt ridden Catholic that I am, I find myself a faithful observer of the season. The tradition is to give up something or do something outside of your normal day to day living. The purpose of this is to prepare your heart for the coming of Easter. I normally give up junk food and sweet and greasy things... and normally I feel pretty good about myself. However, this year Nadine (who is not Catholic) wanted to do it too. This is her first time really doing Lent. So in support of me she decided to join me in the no junk food thing... but for some reason beyond the scope of my simple mind, she insisted we go a step further and give up meat as well. I would call her a "keener" but I know that she will most likely read this... so I'll refrain.
In the end, much to my tummy's sadness, this "No-Meat" Lent has been shaping up to be a pretty good experience. I guess it's doing what it's supposed to do... I am SO looking forward to Easter. So like the kid in class who would usually just sit back and watch (I was that kid), every so often the smart, keen girl helps you out and gets you to pay attention. I would say that it helps when the girls has a cute librarian thing going on... but I know Nadine's dad will most likely read this... so I'll refrain.
p.s. only 24 days left 'till Easter
character designs,
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
And a Yeti Christmas to You too!

I gave this to Nadine for Christmas (2010). She liked it, so I guess I did it right :)
And that's the story of how how Yeti saved Christmas. Not too complicated, eh? The hardest part is always thinking of the idea... then, just do it.
Merry belated Christmas everyone,
character designs,
Monday, January 17, 2011

Well I'm no (insert favorite comedian here) so I went with the Jiminy Cricket technique. I thought and thought and then finally, late at night (possibly looking at some stars) sitting on a bus on my way back to Toronto from Orillia, it hit me. A Yeti showing off to some rabbits through the means of extreme tobogganing... OBVIOUSLY! Am I right? Am I right?! Hilarious! At least it all works up in my head. Now I just have to get it all out on paper. I guess that's the other realy hard part.
character designs,
Thursday, January 6, 2011

My pal Randeep got a job down at Blue Sky in the US. There was a going away party for him and at the party I did this installment of the Ongoing Saga of Matt and Randeep. The funny part about Deep's going away party was that due to a series of unfortunate events I actually saw him a few more times before he left. It's actually a funny story when he tells it... mostly because he isn't laughing. But also because he actually eventually got there, so it all worked out :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
New Band Poster
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Black Cat (Le Chat Noir)

These are just doodles. I want to get some more finished stuff up soon. I have a pile of half finished stuff but there just hasn't been enough time to get it all done. That being said... I hear the little voice in my head reciting old Amway motivational tapes to me, saying, "Excuses are useless!"
Oh well, it's going to just be doodles for now. I'll be back soon!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
"A" is for African Hunting Dog

I'll be posting more from The ABCs of Animals Book book soon. Also, I have some sketches I've been doing while sitting at the mall, riding the TTC, and watching squirrels in High Park with Nadine. When I get those together and organized I'll post them soon.
In the meantime, keep in mind that there were once approximately 500,000 African Hunting Dogs (a.k.a. African Wild Dog, African Painted Dog, Painted Dog, Cape Hunting Dog, Ornate Wolf, Painted Wold, and Mbwa Mwitu) spread over 39 countries, and that packs of 100 or more were not uncommon. Now there are estimated to be only 3,000 to 5,000 in less than 25 countries. #depressing
character designs,
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Movember 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
In tha Gadda da Vida

These are two rough drawings I did for a short film I'm working on about Adam and Eve, called... "Adam and Eve".
Aaaanywho, more stuff to come soon :)
character designs,
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Hedge-Rhi-Raffe Hog

This past summer I was sketching trying to come up with some ideas for some monster designs. Nothing scary or whatever... think more Bill Peet. It wasn't really working for some reason, so I dug deep and searched my soul for an answer... So I posted on twitter (@mkalinauskas if you want to follow) for anyone to give me four animals to combine into one. So my friend Josie gave me Hedge Hog, Rhinoceros, Wart Hog, and Giraffe. This is what I came up with.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
J is for Jaguar

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Balloon Girl

Here's a sketch I did for the Chuck Gammage Animation Studio. It was an odd day of random events. Among all the stuff that went down on Wednesday, September 15th, (job delay, indie music label asked to meet with my band) I had a meeting with Chuck at around 11am. I thought I'd just be going in to say "hi" and see the new studio... but as I entered, I was greeted by Chuck.
"Hey Matt! You like doing designs and stuff right?"
"Yeah... what's up?"
"I need you to help us with some character designs for this project we've got going. Here's a desk. Sit down."
"umm, ok..."
It turned out that I'd spend the rest of the day doing characters sketches for The Royal Winter Fair at Chuck Gammage Animation. A fun and random day.
I've also got a bunch of work I did over the past few months over at Yowza Animation that I need to pick up. The plan is to post it over the next little bit! Hopefully more tomorrow!
character designs,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Quaint, Comfortable, Acoustic

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